Half a Year On The Road: A Look Back

by | Jul 30, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). The last six months “on tour” went amazingly well. After my last roadshow stop in the Czech Republic, I’m back in Germany. That’s why I’d like to share my exciting experiences with you and take a look at the past few months.


A smooth start

The past few months have gone almost like clockwork. We did have the odd challenge to overcome, such as the annoying air conditioning, but overall there were hardly any major problems. Nowadays it’s not easy to get spare parts quickly – in the past it might have been possible overnight, but at the moment many parts are not immediately in stock or available on the market. Nevertheless, we have always found a solution. Minor problems haven’t really slowed us down.


Challenges on the road

In Switzerland, for example, we were faced with a roadblock and had to negotiate with the officials. If you present yourself properly and can talk well, there is usually no problem. The important thing is to concentrate on everything in good time and reschedule if necessary. Because we always have a plan B in addition to plan A, we were always on time and never late at the venues. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, I was even praised for always arriving early – they hadn’t expected that. Nobody had to wait for us and we were always able to present a good image to the outside world.


The journey through Europe

After a year on tour, you know the challenges and peculiarities of the different countries. Tolls, like the one in Slovakia where I had to pick up a box and charge it, are less stressful once you get used to them. Every country is different, but after a while you know what to look out for and there are hardly any surprises.

Serbia will still be a challenge, as special papers are required there. However, most other countries are now routine. The recipe for success is clearly the team. We work together like a cogwheel. We work together, not against each other, and that is what makes us successful.


The best compliments

The compliments we receive on the road are particularly nice. Whether it’s about our shiny tires – we’re now driving with the new ContiEco HD 5 – or the great look of the truck – things like that stay in your head. In Italy, for example, people on the highway have turned their heads to look after us. That’s a great feeling and shows that we’ve achieved our goal.

The new ContiEco 5 HD tires are finally on the truck. Look how good they look! Photo: Ronny Nittmann

Even if people want to take photos, I know that we’ve done something right. At the Nürburgring, people even talked about the carpet we laid out in front of the car. We have the same goals and work well together, despite the fact that we come from different countries and speak different languages.


Proud of the quality

I am proud of the fact that the quality is always the same. The car is always as it should be, even when we have little time and the weather is bad. The bar is always set high, and so far no one has been dissatisfied. It is particularly important to me that any problems are rectified without damaging the truck. One example is the air conditioning system – of course I was happy to help with the installation and always have my own precise ideas about how things should be done. That way, the customer shouldn’t notice any changes in the temporary solution. Fortunately, we were very lucky with the Austrian air conditioning installer and he offered us the best solution.

The roadshow truck always makes a great impression wherever it goes. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


Highlights and experiences

One highlight was definitely the event in Finland at an amusement park. It was like a family party, with a pool and all the trimmings. Weather-wise, we had almost only good weather, except for one day of rain in Switzerland. I felt comfortable everywhere and was well received. I was particularly pleasantly surprised by Slovakia – I hadn’t expected how beautiful the country was and how welcoming the people were.

In Portugal, I was particularly impressed by the landscape with the mountains and the entire surrounding area. The route on the highway or the country roads, along picturesque landscapes and towns, especially the stretch from Genau to Nice – on my trip to Portugal – is a real feast for the eyes. The houses and roads built into the mountain cliffs and the stretch along the sea – you can already hear how excited I am about Portugal.

A short review of my trip to Portugal. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


Of all the cities I visited, I particularly liked Milan. There is so much to see in the city center. But I was also very impressed by Prague. Even back then, I loved my stay in Otrokovice in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic and Slovakia were two of my highlight countries. When you’re there, you don’t feel as if you’re from somewhere else.


Future plans

I wasn’t really homesick as I was very well received everywhere. But I always look forward to coming home. Having your own bed, your own shower and of course your own local people is just nice.

I plan to travel to some of the places I visited again privately in the future. Estonia and Lithuania are still on my list. Just like the gym in Salzburg. I’ll have to pay it another visit, as I’m still in contact with the owner. Turkiye is a must anyway, as is the corner of Nice and Genoa, which is simply stunning.

The list is definitely long and I would actually need a six-month vacation first. Nevertheless, I consider myself lucky to have seen more in two years than some people do in a lifetime. I discover so many great places that you might not see under normal circumstances.


Looking forward to Sweden

I’m looking forward to the next few months and am excited to see what adventures await me. But for now, I’m heading to Sweden, which I’m particularly looking forward to. Sweden is like my adopted home, the country simply inspires me. The last few visits there were great, and the people are wonderful.

Until then – see you on the road,

your Ronny


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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