Power Truck Show: Ronnys Last Days Before Leaving

by | Aug 15, 2023 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice to see you (again) here on our blog. Time is flying by and my visit to Finland is already coming to an end. Overall, a great time, full of events and many impressions – with the visit of the Power Truck Show in Härmä as the crowning finale. But why don’t you see for yourselves what I experience during my last days in Finland.


Arrival in Härmä and a mysterious combination lock

In my last post I let you sit on hot coals, where it goes next for me. Now I have the answer: What’s up, Härmä! Or as the Finns would say: Hei Härmä! Maybe the city rings a bell for some of you? However, this year’s Power Truck Show is taking place here – a large transport fair and exhibition showcasing trucks and lorries from Finland and other European countries.

But before the big event starts, I use the day for arriving in peace and making first preparations. So, my first day involves getting there, cleaning the show truck, driving to the exhibition site, and setting up. Not very spectacular, unlike the hotel rooms in this country. In Finland, it is common – whether apartment building or hotel – to use combination locks at doors. In my hotel, each floor and each room are secured with such a pin code lock – with different codes, of course.



Power Truck Show: A huge family event

After a restful night, it’s time for the first day of the Power Truck Show. In my eyes, a family event where you meet customers and acquaintances to be seen. In a way, the biggest event in the far north can be compared to the Truck Grand Prix at the Nürburgring. Show cars, pimped trucks, all exhibitors, and companies for truck accessories as well as trailer and tire manufacturers as far as the eye can see. Here, too, people stock up like crazy at the merchandise stands and also dust off several bags of giveaways. Personally, this is a mystery to me, and I wonder what’s up with this. Well, I guess, you don’t have to understand everything…


There’s a lot up for grabs: Promotional items and merchandise. Photo: Ronny Nittmann.


Moreover, the atmosphere is a bit calmer than at the Nürburgring, in the evenings there is not quite as much going on – especially the loudness is more restrained. Everything is very orderly, without hectic or stress. But the people come in droves, there are people all around. Queues several meters long form in front of all the food stalls, as well as at the three or four entrances. I don’t know how many people there are in the end, but it feels like half a million. That’s an exaggeration, of course, but the masses of people are quite impressive.

Just like the facility where the Power Truck Show takes place. I haven’t seen anything like that before either. There is, for example, a park and a kart racetrack. My personal highlights: a hotel with a pool and a tree house with hotel rooms. Pretty cool construction!


On the complex there is a nice hotel with pool. Photo: Ronny Nittmann.


Departure day: Packing suitcases and catching the ferry

On the second day of the event, the whole spectacle starts all over again, but with a bit more work for me than the day before. In the evening we have to pack all our stuff quickly, because I have to leave the area at 11 pm at the latest to catch the ferry in Turku at 8:45 am the next morning. Not so easy to find the way out through all the hustle and bustle. But luckily there is support! We could arrange beforehand that we can leave the place earlier than the other exhibitors. Thus, a coworker drives with a scooter in front, and we can line up easily behind him. Alone I would certainly not have gotten out of that place. Thanks to the escort, I catch the ferry on time the next morning – but where am I heading to? So much is already said: The goal is the country of the mountains, glaciers and deeply cut coastal fjords, but this is not where the ferry takes me. You’ll find out more soon!

Until then – see you on the road,
your Ronny


Have you been to the Power Truck Show in Härme yet? Let me know in the comments below.



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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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