Ronny Between Stones and a Spectacular Car Collection

by | Sep 27, 2023 | On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). After my exciting time in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Belgium, I’m now reporting from the depths of Denmark – Assens is the name of the little town I’ve ended up in. Here on the island of Funen, right on the beach of the Baltic Sea, things are quieter than at many other stops on the roadshow.


Rain, storm and a touch of adventure

The arrival day was still pretty wild: I arrived, parked my truck and was immediately greeted by nasty rain and storm – so not so different from Sweden and Norway.

The way to my first stop in Denmark was a bit of an adventure: the roads got narrower and narrower, and it seemed like there weren’t many people living here. There were only a few houses along the way, otherwise only endless fields.


Stones, clinker and a surprising car collection

In Assens, stones and clinker are produced. But that is not all. In a huge hall, a large car collection is on display – very impressive. But take a look at the collection yourself in the picture gallery below. I haven’t told you yet what we are actually doing here: An internal Continental event is taking place here today. The location is divided into different areas. Inside there are the latest tyre products and technologies, outside the employees of Continental Denmark can take a closer look at the truck.


A special kind of hotel adventure

After a long day with the roadshow, it’s off to the hotel. And unfortunately, it’s not really nearby, because many hotels in the area were already fully booked. Nevertheless, I was lucky, my hotel is really cute. The rooms are very cosy and the best thing is that you have your own bathroom. No sharing with strangers, that’s great! The guest room is really chic too – it’s definitely nice to relax in such a cosy place after a long day.

Oh, and the way here was exciting again. My sat nav wouldn’t show us the direct route to the hotel, so we made almost half an hour out of a small stretch. We took one or two roads unnecessarily, but hey, at least you get to experience something, right?

So guys, those were my first two days here in Denmark, check back for more adventures!

Until then – and stay on the road,

your Ronny


Have you been to Denmark? Let me know in the comments below.




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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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