3 Days, 30 Pictures: I’m in Love with Norway…

by | Aug 21, 2023 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 2 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). In my post “From Finland via Sweden to Norway: My Journey” I already hinted at how three packed days in Norway were ahead of me. With the show truck, it goes for me over 600 kilometers along the Norwegian coast – from Oslo via Arendal to Haugesund. And this much is already said: it makes you fall in love!

The BestDrive event in Oslo is a successful – and very tasty – kick-off and I realize right away: I really like it here! And although it takes me almost two hours to maneuver the show truck out of the city, I keep liking it more and more. It goes past buildings, boat docks, and boats, over bridges, through tunnels and past even more boats – I think here really almost everyone owns a boat!


And even more eye candy…

Even outside the city I can’t get out of my amazement. The mountainous coastal landscape in the direction of Arendal is really something for the eye and even rest stops have their own lakes. I have to force myself to concentrate on the road. I don’t know that from myself. But here, I don’t know where to look first, because the impressions are coming at me from all directions. You can already tell, I’m blown away…

The interplay of mountains, water and green is indescribable and stretches along the entire coast to Haugesund. That is something to be seen! Therefor, I am happy about the 30-minute crossing with the ferry to let the impressions work on me in peace. Norway really manages to leave me speechless. I will definitely be back. And if I may give you a tip: You should do the same!

Until then, my 30 pictures for you will have to be enough – see you on the road,
your Ronny

Have you ever been to Norway and fell in love like me? Support me in the comments below.



  1. Ida

    It was a pleasure to have you here, Ronny! Safe travels on the rest of the Tour!

    • Tammy Schütz

      Thank you, Ida! It was great to have Norway as part of the #ContiEuropeanRoadshow – all the best for you. Ronny clearly had a blast…



  1. Rain, Rain, Rain - Mantorp, Oh Man! - Continental Roadshow - […] two trucks. Freddie drives the eTruck, I drive the diesel tractor with the trailer. From Norway (here’s my blog…

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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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