Goodbye Turkiye: Setting off after Final Run in Istanbul

by | Nov 3, 2023 | On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice to see you (again) on our blog. The end of my trip through Turkiye is fast approaching. The final stopover in Pinarhisar – and with that it’s a wrap for the #ContiEuropeanRoadshow in Turkiye! But before the show truck and I leave for Germany, I’m looking forward to a few glorious days off in Istanbul. After all, that’s where this great trip began


Fun run, tourist mode and “Cumhuriyet Bayramı”

Back in Istanbul, I spend a few wonderful last days full of discovery tours and experiences. Like a true tourist, I stroll through the old town, marvel at the sights, and get to know both the European and the Asian side of Istanbul. Lots of little highlights make the whole thing perfect for me personally – whether it’s the boat trip, the little fun run, or the damn tasty cake.

The Turkish national holiday – also known as “Republic Day” or “Cumhuriyet Bayramı” – is also a really exciting experience. I’ve been noticing for a few days now how preparations are in full swing throughout the country and now I can experience the whole spectacle up close. Accompanied by thousands of flags, blaring music, military parades, and dancing people, it is a truly special experience.


The national holiday fills the streets and lights up the city in red. Photo: Ronny Nittmann.


Departure mood with a lot of patience required

After this eventful conclusion, I make my way to the border in the show truck to start my journey home. When I get there, I have to swallow, because it’s packed! First of all, I spend quite a while in a private parking lot, where I wait for permission via text message to drive into the customs parking lot. Then I swap my white certificate for a blue one, which I have to scan at a machine to find out when I can go to customs. Now I wait again for a text message. But it’s not just me, it feels like a thousand other trucks are waiting with me. I realize that entering the country has been a lot easier. At some point, however, the wait comes to an end and the show truck, and I leave Turkiye. Let’s see what the return journey to Germany brings!

Until then – see you on the road,
your Ronny


Have you ever experienced the national holiday in Turkiye? Feel free to share your impressions in the comments.



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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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