Friendly & Smooth – My Very Promising Kick-off in Turkiye

by | Oct 10, 2023 | On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone! Nice that you (again) stop by on our blog. As you may know, I had a thrilling journey towards Turkiye. However, full of anticipation for the arrival! Even sweeter that I was so kindly welcomed – a really promising start, of which I would like to tell you a little in this post.


My first steps on Turkish ground

Arriving at the Bulgarian-Turkish border, I am first of all astonished because of our gigantic carnets (customs documents). It takes a while, but it all works out. So, the first step is taken!

I enter Turkish ground and am directly received by two Continental employees. They take all my papers – passport, driver’s license, and the carnet – because: I am supposed to relax while they do all the work. Wonderful, I tell you! And so, it goes on, because everything goes flawlessly and much less complicated as well as faster than expected.

Before we can continue, I have to take care of the MAUT and absolutely have to refuel. Background: A maximum of 500 liters are allowed for import into Turkiye. But now the journey can proceed: Here I come, Istanbul!


Hospitality, culture, Istanbul

After about four hours I arrive in Istanbul. Here, a chic hotel awaits me, where I move into a room with a view of the parking lot. For most probably rather gray views, but for me bright yellow. This allows me to keep an eye on the show truck – my “little lady” – in the best possible way! Even though the parking lot is monitored, this gives me a good feeling. Especially because the eye-catching trailer as well as the world-famous brand Continental – as I told you in my blog post „Always on the Road, but Still at Home …“ – attract a lot of attention and I am aware of the responsibility that comes with it…


Always an eye on the show truck from Ronnys hotel room. Photo: Ronny Nittmann.


After the successful check-in, my Turkiye crew and I are starving. However, we’re not going just anywhere to eat, but to the Bosphorus – the strait that separates Europe from Asia and “splits” the city of Istanbul. Cool, right? What an atmosphere here, I tell you!


The Bosphorus Bridge in Istanbul – on side in Europe, the other in Asia. Photo: Ronny Nittmann.

And it goes on…

The next day, I get picked up at 2pm for lunch. Why am I telling you this? Well, here it’s apparently common to drag the whole thing out – meaning lunch is savored to the fullest until it gets dark outside again. For me as a German a completely new experience, but definitely a cool one! Relaxing, taking your time and letting the cultural impressions sink in – what could be better? Besides, I’ve just arrived. Looking forward to more…

The day is rounded off by an invitation to play PlayStation after the meal. I happily accept the offer! I can hardly believe how warmly I am received here – just great! The next morning, I sleep in, watch a few hours of sports TV, and do some sports myself. In other words: A day completely after my taste.

What a promising start – we can go on like this!

Until then – see you on the road,
your Ronny


Have you ever been to the Bosphorus? What is your impression of the strait between two continents? Let me know in the comments – I’m curious!


See us in action:

The show truck and I on the road to Istanbul. Video: Ronny Nittmann/Continental Turkiye.


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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