Always on the Road, but Still at Home …

by | Mar 22, 2023 | On the Road | 0 comments

What’s up everyone? I’m glad you found your way (back) to our blog. As I already told you in my post Hello, I’m Ronny and I’m blogging here, I have never just called one place home – neither privately nor professionally. In my everyday life as a professional driver, it’s no different! For years I have been on the road all over Germany and mastered the most diverse tours. Now I’m about to travel even further and even longer for the #ContiEuropeanRoadshow. Even being on the road all the time, I still feel at home and in this post, I would like to tell you why:


… because I love my job and it’s exactly my thing

When I hear how many professional drivers are typically described, I have to say that I can hardly identify with that. I am and work differently in many respects. That’s probably why many customers are surprised when I introduce myself as a driver…. I guess I stand out and linger in the memory!

Besides, the job offers exactly what I need: predictable processes and a daily routine without too much stress and hectic. I would say it’s all a question of organization and preparation – if you know how, it usually works out. Of course, you also have to show some commitment yourself, for example by having sufficient geographical understanding and traffic knowledge. After all, if you can’t even drive in the right direction without a navigation system, you’re getting in your own way. Sometimes I see drivers’ cabs where colleagues have actually four navigation systems running at the same time. Crazy!


… because I’ve found a second family

With the haulage company Böhm as my employer, I personally hit the jackpot. The organizational structures simply play into my cards. My bosses allow me to do my job the way I imagine it – in a way that is plannable, efficient, and goal-oriented. At the same time, I can take responsibility for shaping the work processes without ever having to face challenges alone. In such cases, I pass on the information and can continue to follow my daily routine while a problem is being solved in the background. Simply great when teamwork works so well!

In addition to a top organization, Böhm scores with friendliness and humanity. We treat each other as equals – not only among ourselves, but in general. So, it’s not very surprising that the haulage company enjoys such an outstanding reputation and maintains long-standing relationships with its partners. Therefore, we don’t need to accept orders that we don’t actually want to take on. In short, I have found a second family in Böhm that offers me exactly what is important to me.


…because I represent strong brands that I can identify with

So, for me it’s quite clear: It’s my responsibility to represent my employer in the best possible way, as well as the well-known customers we work with. For several decades, this has also included Continental – a well-known brand that we are all familiar with! Accordingly, I attach great importance to always making a good impression. It’s not just about me, but about strong companies and brands.

How does that help me feel at home on the road? Well, I’m the kind of person who usually does more than what’s necessary. That means: When I do something, I do it right! I take responsibility, use my brain cells. I can’t park everywhere with my yellow Continental truck, for example. The truck attracts a lot of attention – even from shady characters. So, I only park the show truck where it’s busy and well lit. That’s what I mean when I talk about responsibility and using brain cells. If you think beforehand, you’ll have fewer problems afterwards. Actually, I’ve never had any real difficulties on the road. But that is another story to tell!

All in all, I can say: Work is always what you make out of it! Or what do you think? Feel free to let me know in the comments.

See you on the road,

your Ronny


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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