My Time in Istanbul: Team Fun, Traffic Chaos and Cake!

by | Oct 13, 2023 | On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone – it’s nice to see you (again) on our blog. Although I should probably say Merhaba since my last posts tell the story: The show truck and I are currently on the road in Turkiye. It’s been a promising start and I think it’s going to continue in a very exciting way – and that’s in the metropolis of Istanbul….


What a day with the Continental Turkiye team

At the first stop in Istanbul, an internal Continental training session is taking place at the Adex Academy’s driving safety training site. Not only does this sound like fun, it actually is. Exciting kart driving, thrilling brake tests or even the tipping truck with training wheels – simply a really cool day!

Besides all the fun, however, there are a few hurdles to overcome. The biggest challenge is to make the required amount of electricity available for our show truck’s trailer. That’s not that easy, as it turns out… But where a will is, there’s a way, isn’t it? After all, a power unit is the solution. The preparation and testing turn out to be real time-consumers, but in the end, everything works out. And that’s the most important thing!


Continuing with the press and cake

Different day, same venue – but this time for the press. All in all, a rather relaxed day for me, but with a personal highlight: On the way to the test track, I discover a bakery where I first treat myself with some cake. Those who know my post “Road-Routines: My Personal Recipe for Success” know how much I love cake and that it was actually part of my routine…


A city tour ends in traffic chaos

For the last stop in Istanbul, the show truck and I are supposed to go to a customer event. That makes a little city tour a good idea, doesn’t it? At least that’s what I think as I set off. And I can tell you one thing: The road conditions here should truly not be underestimated!

The small city tour turns into a bigger operation due to the steep (gradient 14%) and busy roads! The spectacle begins when I touch down with the pallet box of the truck and get stuck. There is only one way out: in reverse down the entire road again. That alone is an adventure. Due to the traffic situation in Istanbul, the whole thing ends up in pure chaos. The other road participants keep blocking my way and honking like crazy. What an experience! In the end, I successfully make it to the event and it’s very interesting to see how they do their work here…



Getting to know the Turkish way of life

So, I gather new impressions here every day. So, I also notice that the Turkish drivers always seem very stressed, as if they had time for absolutely nothing. As I mentioned in my latest post, it’s quite different when it comes to food….

Little by little, I understand life here more and more and I’m looking forward to everything that lies ahead. However, I already have a hunch that you guys won’t want to miss it either – so be sure to check back soon!

Until then – see you on the road,
your Ronny


Have you ever been on the streets of Istanbul? Are the experiences with a car maybe different? Feel free to leave a comment!



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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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