For weeks we have been following the truck’s route through Europe, and last Monday we finally got the news that the truck was at the border between Sweden and Norway. Just a few hours away from its first destination in the capital of Norway, Oslo. Expectations were high…
Ready to meet the Continental family in Norway. Photo: Ida Saetre.
On the tour of the #ContiEuropeanRoadshow through Norway we got three events planned in Oslo, Arendal and Haugesund. Now we have already had our first event in Oslo (August 16th), which was dedicated to our employees at Continental Tires Norway and BestDrive. The event was a great success! With almost 100 people visiting the BestDrive office, we were able to show our local organization what we mean when we say, “Your business, Our solution”. Together with BestDrive we also conducted a sales training for about 30 people from our organizations.
Staff from BestDrive in Furuset ready for a tasty lunch. Photo: Ida Saetre.
Were the expectations met? Absolutely! The feedback from our colleagues has been nothing but positive – they all really enjoyed visiting the show truck and learned a lot. Most impressive is the overall experience with the presentations in the truck. Highly professional and easy to understand – even for those who do not work directly with tires. The roadshow will now continue to Arendal and Haugesund, where we will have two dedicated B2B days with invited partners and existing as well as potential customers. We are one hundred percent sure that they will be as impressed by the unique truck as we are.
But take a look at the smiling faces for yourselves – they speak volumes:
- Heureux et impressionné par le camion, Milan Keckes, directeur du marketing chez Continental.
- Milan Keckes (directeur du marketing) et la force de vente de Continental dans le camion.
- Des visiteurs heureux du siège social de Continental.
- L’équipe de vente de BestDrive.