A Romanian Adventure with Sun, Wine and Golf

by | Sep 7, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). My trip starts on Wednesday evening, 28 August, at around 11pm. As already mentioned, I’m travelling from Sweden to Romania. I made the decision to drive at night quite deliberately. I want to get through without any traffic jams and reach my destination relaxed in about two and a half days. I’d rather arrive a little earlier and enjoy the journey than get stuck in traffic somewhere – that’s my motto.


Czech Republic A guarded car park like a dream

After a few hours of travelling, I have to take a break just before Brno in the Czech Republic. By chance, I find a car park that is a little paradise for travellers. Guarded parking with cameras, friendly staff, showers, washing facilities, a hotel, shopping facilities and even a car wash – everything your heart desires. The other rest stops I have seen on the road are nowhere near as well equipped.

But see for yourself what the Autopark has to offer. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


The special border crossing to Romania

When I enter the country, I opt for a smaller border crossing from Hungary to Romania, which is less busy. A wise decision, as the controls there are quite relaxed this time: I show my passport and driving licence and continue on my way. Quite different from my last trip to Turkey, where I even had to open my truck.

I have a funny encounter just before the border. A Romanian next to me rolls down his window and starts to admire the roadshow truck. He asks me if the truck is fully equipped with Continental products. When I say yes, he gets out and has to take a closer look at the truck. I think if he had the chance, he’d swap trucks with me in a heartbeat!


Arrival in Alba Iulia – the sun is shining and so are the prices

Since my arrival in Romania, the sun has not let me down! The journey goes without incident, the traffic is pleasant and I don’t lose any time. My destination: a beautiful golf course in Alba Iulia, in the centre of Transylvania. The course is huge, fenced in and full of imposing villas. Perfect for the event that brings me here.

The villas on the hotel grounds, I’m sleeping in one of them. You can take a guess! Photo: Ronny Nittmann

Alba Iulia, also known as Karlsburg or Weißenburg, is the capital of Alba County and has a long history. This town lies in the centre of the Transylvanian plateau and is one of the oldest settlements in Romania. The star-shaped fortress in the old town centre is particularly impressive and I absolutely have to visit it.

The prices here are also amazing. On the first evening we go out to eat and get a dinner with international cuisine for the equivalent of 6.50 euros – and the plate is more than full! It reminds me a little of my trip to Turkey: lots of quality for little money.

Even the prices for the mini-bar are a dream. Take a look for yourself.


Cleaning the truck and photo shoot

The day after my arrival, I dedicate myself to my truck. From 10am to 6pm, I clean the roadshow truck thoroughly – yes, I take it very seriously. In between, people keep coming round and wanting to take photos with the show truck!

The event runs over three days and is aimed at several companies. There is the show truck, a smaller van and two classrooms with presentations. The press is also on site to capture everything. We even have a short golf introduction in between. But golf will probably never become my game – little power, lots of swing, and all without a backhand! But hey, of course I give it my all and try to do it perfectly.


Sightseeing and wine tasting in the citadel

There’s a presentation on Tuesday, and from 5 p.m. I set off into the city with the Continental team and the customers who are still there. We are given an impressive presentation about the history of the region, including a tour of the castle. I find the small winery in the citadel particularly exciting, where we taste white, rosé and red wines. We are told about the history of winegrowing and are even allowed into the wine cellar. The evening is a real treat – and yes, I have definitely enjoyed a wine or two.

I have a day off on Wednesday and use the time to clean the inside of the trailer – walls, floor – everything is spruced up. On Thursday, the event continues, followed by another sightseeing trip in the evening. The only difference to Tuesday is that there are more customers.


A delay that suits me just fine

I had actually planned to leave on Thursday, but that doesn’t make much sense. 6 September is a public holiday in Bulgaria with a driving ban for lorries, and I won’t make it across the border in time. So why rush? Instead, I stay here a little longer and set off on Saturday at around midday. Then I’ll be looking forward to my short time in Bulgaria.

Until then – see you on the road,

your Ronny


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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