Summary from the Czech Republic and Slovakia

by | Jul 1, 2024 | Allgemein, Insights, Topstory | 0 comments

The #ContiEuropeanRoadshow in Slovakia and the Czech Republic has now come to an end. We had some exciting stops and a lot of visitors. But before we tell you all about it, let’s take a look at Prague – our last roadshow stop before we continue in September.

There we will experience two intensive training days in the truck. On day one, we are at the Letňany Exhibition Center: 30 external participants get excited about the latest developments from Continental in bright sunshine.

Day two continues with an exclusive event at BestDrive in Stodůlky – specially designed for their dealers and their fleets. In high temperatures, we welcome 30 dealers and 10 employees from the BestDrive back office to the Czech branch.


Facts, figures and data

“With 220 trained participants in our truck and a good 1,000 visitors to our impressive Continental stand at the Brno Truck Fleet Exhibition, the roadshow in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was a complete success,” summarizes Magda Nagy, a member of Continental’s marketing department for Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Not least thanks to Ronny, the tireless driver of the Continental roadshow truck. Always ready to help, he finds solutions to every problem that arises and makes a significant contribution to the smooth running of the event.

The story we present in the truck is well received by the participants, who particularly praise the authentic brand experience and the professional presentation of the products. But there are also challenges. Strict time constraints and limited capacity in the truck: in the warm weather, we could only train a maximum of 10 people in the truck and had to repeat the presentation several times. It felt like we spent countless hours in the truck to cover the training requirements.



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Magda Nagy

Magda Nagy

Expert for the Czech Republic and Slovakia - Magda works for Continental in the Czech and Slovakian marketing team


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