Test Drives and Oktoberfest: On the Road in Hungary

by | Oct 14, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by our blog (again). The time has come for my last big trip and the last roadshow stop. I’m off to Hungary, to Debrecen to be precise, to the company Trans Sped. The journey from Slovenia is quite relaxed – if only it weren’t for the constant rain. It really gets on my nerves, I have to admit.


Unexpected delay shortly before Debrecen

My patience is put to the test again shortly before I reach my destination. An accident: a truck has collided with a car. Everything drags on, traffic only flows in one lane and I’m stuck – luckily I’m under no time pressure. After all, I’m only 15 kilometers from my destination. So I decide to take a break and ride the last few kilometers the next morning.


Nobody knew I was coming

The next day I finally reach Trans Sped, but apparently no one even knows I’m coming. There I am, standing in front of the large hall, waiting for someone to have the mercy to let me onto the premises. Fortunately, in the end – via several corners – everything is somehow sorted out. A start to the day that literally heralds chaos.


Another problem quickly arises: My hotel is 25 kilometers away – apparently something went wrong in the planning. So I have to organize a cab that accepts card payment. No problem in Germany, but in Hungary? They don’t really have a thing for card payment here and mainly pay in forints. I didn’t have any with me, nor did I want to exchange money for such a short stay. Fortunately, I eventually find a cab to take me to the hotel. In the end, I pay the equivalent of 33 euros for the 25 kilometers – actually a bargain compared to Germany.


Surprisingly many visitors despite the rain

I am surprised at how many visitors come to the event at Trans Sped despite the bad weather. Normally many stay at home in such conditions, but here there is a lot going on. A day full of action, then it’s back to the hotel. After a relaxing night, I’m back at the site on Saturday morning, dismantle everything and make my way to Budapest.


Budapest: shopping, sightseeing and a touch of Bavaria

I arrive in Budapest at around 1.30 p.m. on Saturday afternoon. I park the roadshow truck, a colleague collects me and we make our way to a nearby outlet, about 16 kilometers outside the city. Shopping is the order of the day! I spend the rest of Saturday relaxing and go out for a bite to eat in the evening.

On Sunday, I take the opportunity to explore Budapest a little. There’s a stadium right in front of my hotel. So I take a few photos before taking the metro into the city center. The city really has something to offer – especially the chic houses and the many small alleyways with restaurants and pubs. One highlight is the flea market in a covered alleyway, where I not only browse but also find a few fun little things for my team: little balls with faces, each with its own personality.

Particularly cool is a store with old gaming machines – from car racing to old joysticks and consoles. The games of my childhood – it’s nostalgic!

Which games console would you have tried? Photo: Ronny Nittmann


As if that wasn’t enough, an Oktoberfest is also being celebrated in the city. A band from Bavaria is playing in a Bavarian tent, performing in German. It’s a fun experience to experience a piece of Bavarian tradition in the middle of Budapest. And then there’s the view of the Danube and the city’s impressive bridges – a really nice day!

A little homey feeling and Oktoberfest atmosphere. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


Veszprém and the Conti test track

After the event in Budapest at the tire dealer marso, I continue on to Veszprém, where I have two venues. First I go to the plant, where I and a colleague give an internal presentation. In six hours, we guide 10 groups through our program. Then we go to the Conti test track, about 16 kilometers away.

The customers there are taken by shuttle from the hotel to the test track in the morning and divided into three groups. Each group goes through three stations: a trailer station, a van station and then the test drives with the car on the track. Customers can experience what it feels like to drive on a 10% incline or swerve out of the way during sudden braking maneuvers. At the end, I also get into the test vehicle, which is equipped with the SportContact 7, and experience the test track as a passenger. What can I say? You really get shaken up and it makes me feel a bit sick to my stomach – I’m simply not used to such speeds.

In the late afternoon, I head back to the hotel, where I round off the evening with the customers over dinner and music. A great end to an eventful day. And speaking of the hotel, this is a little highlight at the end of my tour. Large rooms, delicious food, spa, wellness, gym – everything your heart desires. It’s also right on the water. Unfortunately, I have a lot to do and can’t really take advantage of the wellness and sports facilities, but the surroundings are really fantastic.


Budapest and Veszprém – a successful conclusion

On Friday evening, I set off for home with lots of great memories and impressions in my luggage.

Budapest really surprised me with its many shopping opportunities, beautiful buildings and hidden little stores. The alleyways and courtyards are particularly charming. Cycling and walking are also a pleasure there, and the metro connections make exploring the city super easy.

Now I’m looking forward to a few days of rest, seeing my loved ones again and, of course, sleeping in my own bed.

We’ll hear from each other,

your Ronny


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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