Sun, Beaches, Cities: Ronny’s Trip to Southern Europe

by | Mar 28, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone, and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). After my trip to the Netherlands, I had a short break at home. Now the next exciting tour is coming up. I can tell you one thing: Hey, off to the south! My next stops are Spain, Portugal and Italy – in other words, a trip to southern Europe.

The big question is: Do I take T-shirts and shorts with me this time, or will sweaters and thick jackets be called for again? In any case, I’m hoping for good weather and am optimistically packing a few T-shirts. Shorts are probably too much of a good thing, because it’s only April in Spain too.


Seville 2022: A lightning visit with lasting impressions

Do you remember my report from Seville in 2022? Yes, that’s right, I was actually there once before to present the new GEN5 tires. But unfortunately I wasn’t there for too long. A short detour to deliver the truck. Then I had just one more day to explore the city before heading back to Hanover. It was a bit disappointing that I didn’t get to see much of the actual event.

Instead, I meandered through olive plantations and admired the impressive landscape. I really liked Seville, especially the old town with its narrow streets. I could even imagine living there if it weren’t for the extreme weather – over 40 degrees in summer, phew!


Culinary and cultural adventures

Now for the culinary and cultural part of the trip: Pastéis de Nata in Portugal? Sounds tempting and exactly to my taste. Even though I have to admit that I haven’t tried the puff pastry cakes yet. But that will definitely change!

Speaking of my taste: the coffee in the Netherlands wasn’t really my cup of tea. And I know that the coffee in Spain is far too sweet for me. That’s why I was given coffee as a gift at the last event in Stöcken. Preparation is everything: I stash it in my truck.

I’m really looking forward to enjoying the countryside and seeing more of the different places this time. A weekend in Madrid, a weekend in Barcelona – nothing can really go wrong. I might even be able to get a cheap soccer ticket and watch a game. Otherwise, I’ll definitely stroll around the city a bit.


Via Spain and Portugal to Italy

The traffic in Spain is awesome, as soon as you cross the border from France to Spain, you feel like you’re traveling alone. The highways are always empty, just super relaxed. It only gets lively in the evening when everyone is driving home from the beach.

Then a week in Portugal, followed by Seville, Elch, Madrid, Irun, Zaragoza and Barcelona. That will certainly be a unique adventure!

But Italy is also on the program. Let’s see what the country has to offer, even if it will only be a trade fair in Milan – similar to the MATEXPO in Belgium. So I probably won’t get to see much again.

It will definitely be an exciting time, and I’m looking forward to telling you about my adventures and sharing some photos.

Until then – see you on the road,

Your Ronny


Have you ever taken a trip to southern Europe? Where exactly?


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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