Scare in Bulgaria: When the Ceiling Suddenly Falls

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). I last reported from Romania, and now I’m off again to Bulgaria. My journey starts at around half past ten on Saturday morning. The traffic is relaxed, the roads are empty and I’m making good progress.


Traffic jams, sunshine and the first stop

After a good two hours’ drive, I arrive at the border control – a small traffic jam caused by the wave of travellers returning to Romania, but nothing that causes me any great anxiety. I set off in the sun and finally arrive in the dark. On Sunday, I take my first break at a petrol station in Stara Sagora – nothing around me, absolutely nothing. But at least there are toilets and something to eat.

My location at the rest area. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


After I’ve slept a bit, a small highlight is a bridge that I cross on my onward journey. I have captured a nice picture that shows a great contrast between Romania and Bulgaria.


The first shock: the ceiling comes down

Once I arrive at my destination, the first challenge awaits me. Due to the vibrations on the uneven roads, the ceiling in the entrance area of our trailer has come down. Great. So I have to improvise first. With the tools I have with me, I manage to at least temporarily reattach the ceiling. That meant unpacking the Flex and fixing everything as best I could. It’s not a permanent solution, but it will have to do until after the event.


Gymnastics, tyres and the eternal time pressure

The first event is scheduled for Monday in Plovdiv, and on Tuesday the journey continues to Sofia. It’s just a shame that it’s raining that day. An event in the rain is never ideal, but we make the best of it.

Once we arrive at the venue, it’s time to set up. This time at the tyre wholesaler Medina-Med. The company has a workshop and warehouses with tyres on site. Hauliers are invited, and the show of the day is a gymnastics performance – as always, everything is a bit extravagant.

In the back of my mind, I’m constantly thinking about the ceiling and the time pressure to get everything started on time. I even went to the DIY store to find a better solution for Sofia’s temporary fixture. But I wouldn’t be me if I couldn’t solve the problem and fix the ceiling again.


The pink hotel and the old McDonald’s

After a long day, I’m looking forward to the hotel. It’s really smart, with a wellness area and all the trimmings. Interestingly, my colleagues tell me that everything in the hotel is pink. But I, of all people, have a green room. Two beds, plenty of space, everything is there.

In the afternoon, the Continental team and I make a detour to McDonald’s. I have to shove in six burgers before we go for dinner. It’s like travelling back in time – the McDonald’s is still set up the way I remember it from my childhood when I was 12. No modern tablets, just the old clown and the classic design. Pure nostalgia.


Sofia: rain, chaos and technical problems

The next day we drove to Sofia for two events. It was an easy drive, only 140 kilometres and all on motorways. The hotel also reminds me a bit of the hotel in Romania. Small villas, wellness centre and the football stadium just around the corner.

Welcome to Sofia. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


But the next stress awaits me at the venue. The event is about to start and the first problem arises during set-up: the monitor cable has become entangled in the server tower and damaged it. I have no idea where the problem is and the screen for the presentation remains black. Many phone calls and a lot of tangled cables ensue until I finally find the right cable, get a replacement cable and get everything up and running.


Looking forward to Serbia

While all this is happening, my thoughts are already turning to the next stop: Serbia. I need an invitation to the event there for customs. I’ve already had a look at the transition so that I’m prepared. But before that happens, we enjoy the weather here in Bulgaria for a while. Surprisingly, the forecast rain doesn’t materialise and the event goes ahead as originally planned under a canopy (i.e. a roof surface attached to a wall or the main roof of a building). Lucky for us. On the last day there’s also a mini sightseeing tour of the city, and then on Friday I’m off to Serbia …

Until then – see you on the road,

your Ronny



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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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