Off to the Truck-Grand-Prix: The Party of the Year

by | Jul 8, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice to have you back on our blog (again). The Truck-Grand-Prix is just around the corner, one of the biggest PS-shows in the world with over 40 racing trucks. I’m really looking forward to it! It’s the same every year: an exciting, interesting weekend with little sleep, delicious food and, of course, a cold beer or two.

The Continental stand is – as always – in our familiar spots: in the paddock and at the start and finish of the race track. In the VIP lounge, customers can enjoy delicious snacks, and outside there will be beer and sausages. This year we have even added an extra area for our truck. All the tents are set up next to it.

When the exciting race day comes to an end and the tents are closed, we head down to the Müllenbachschleife in the evening. A huge open-air stage with lights, music and dancing awaits me there. There are even fireworks afterwards. And the funny thing is: sometimes you get to know one or two drivers from a completely different angle. For those who have never been there before, the party and nightlife is always something special. There are flashes and horns everywhere, and wild dancing in the cages and on the poles.

Impressions from last year and the fireworks. Photo: Continental


Looking forward to the event

Of course I’m looking forward to the event and the sunburn I’m going to get! Especially the many great people who will be there and who I will meet again after a long time will make the event a great experience. I’m also excited to see which companies will be there this time.

I’ll be able to tell you more when I’m there. Last year, there were soccer tickets to be won and former coach and player consultant Peter Neururer was there. Let’s see if there’s another exciting competition this year …

It’s sure to be packed. Last year, there were as many people as before Corona: 130,300. The only exhibitor that is usually represented with a large area that was missing was Mercedes.

Impressions from last year and the truck races. Photo: Continental


Departure and planning

I leave for the Nürburgring on Wednesday so that I’m at the grounds by 12 noon. Not much happens there: I just park the car in the designated spot. Because on Thursday it will be difficult to maneuver with the many stands and the 14-metre trailer. So I come one day earlier. On Thursday we take care of the electricity, tidy up the car and clean it thoroughly. Friday we really get going, and on Sunday we pack up and leave again at 10pm. I have to be in the dentist’s chair at 7 a.m. on Monday.

Maybe we’ll see you at the Truck-Grand-Prix, until then and stay on the road,

your Ronny


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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