Bikes and electric cars: A week in the Netherlands

by | Mar 15, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). Last time I told you about the events at Leen Post Banden and Van den Bosch, this week I’m off to Volvo, HBC and Euromaster. But first I want to tell you about my weekend, because I really saw a lot.

After a jam-packed week, I set off straight away on Saturday morning to explore Veghel. And what a city! Divided into two circles, I find myself in a labyrinth of old alleyways and surprising stores.

The old town exudes a special charm with its narrow streets and picturesque canals. But I am also impressed by the modernity outside the historic walls with its imposing high-rise buildings. The small city actually reminds me a little of Seville.

And I can tell you one thing: I could really live here!


My weekend in Veghel: Photo: Ronny Nittmann


Bicycles everywhere you look!

And of course I didn’t miss all the bicycles. There are sometimes more bikes than people at the bus stops and the ratio of bikes to cars is definitely in favour of the bikes. A cycling dream come true, if you ask me!

Sunday is also a real feast for the eyes. The stores are open here – quite unlike in Germany – and there is something to discover everywhere. From churches to museums, there is something for every taste. And what excites me as a fitness freak: you see people of all ages jogging through the streets in groups, even in groups of ten. It’s an atmosphere I’ve never experienced before.



Volvo: A world full of innovation and visions for the future

After a weekend full of sightseeing, I head to Volvo in Beesd. The next two days are packed with training and events. We present our show truck outside and Volvo holds training courses on the premises. It’s impressive to see how consistently they are focusing on electromobility and how they want to shape the future. Even 70 percent of the cars on the site are electric, they probably have more charging points here than in the whole of Hanover.


Events were held on the Volvo site on Monday and Tuesday. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


The events on Thursday at Profile Tyrecenter Helmondse Banden Centrale and on Friday at Euromasters have a similar structure to those at Volvo: we present our roadshow truck and there are training sessions for customers.

The location on Thursday is on an industrial estate in a workshop. This is because Helmondse Banden Centrale specializes in the sale of truck and car tires. For this reason, we are also allowed to present ourselves in the newly built truck hall. That’s a bit of a shame from my point of view, though, because the sun is beating down from the sky outside at 17 degrees… but I can’t complain. Everyone is happy and the customers on site like the event.


On Thursday, an event was held at HBC Profile Tyrecenter. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


Euromaster and then home

The last event in the Netherlands is scheduled for Friday: Euromaster, the international chain that offers a wide range of services related to tires, wheels, maintenance and repair of vehicles.

I arrived here in Deventer on Thursday evening and can park my truck in the hall – a garage all of my own, which is really cool.



Then it’s just a coffee and off to bed. The event on Friday is hardly any different from the other events and is scheduled until 4 pm. Then it’s back to Hanover for me.

All in all, this second week in the Netherlands was also a complete success, even if the weather didn’t always play along. But that couldn’t dampen my good mood. Now I’m looking forward to getting back home and starting my trip south in April – next up is Portugal!

Until then – see you on the road,

your Ronny




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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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