Transport Fair, Go-Kart Track and Robots in Slovenia

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). Friday evening. Finally arrived. The long drive from Croatia over the Slovenian roads is behind me and I reach my pitch in Ljubljana. A weekend full of experiences awaits me in the Slovenian capital. But before the fun begins, I have to prepare the essentials. First secure the truck, get everything in order inside and out and then off to the “Gospodarsko Razstavišče” transport fair.


Almost endless rain

The fair starts at 10 a.m. on Saturday morning. Admission is by special invitation only – exclusively for the transport family, not for the general public. The working day is long, from morning to 11 pm. But no problem, because there is everything in the hall: food, drinks – and all at the expense of companies such as MAN, Mercedes, Volvo and Scania. The big names in the transport industry are there to do the honors, as are some Slovenian service station operators such as Petrol and MOL.


Around 3 p.m. it starts to rain. Just like that, out of nowhere. There seems to be no end to it. Outside, it’s all over. Puddles, mud and chaos. Inside? Everything continues as normal. As if nothing had happened.


A top-class highlight: my hotel

After a long day at the trade fair, I’m longing to relax – and my hotel doesn’t disappoint. It’s a real highlight: it’s superbly furnished and there’s a large container parked in the dining room where I can help myself to food! An absolute visual highlight.


I also discover a robot driving through the hotel corridors. Not only does the robot talk, it also kindly points out that I’m in its way! Technology that inspires – or at least entertains.


Sunday it’s time to say goodbye to Ljubljana. I’m still dismantling until midday, after which I have the rest of the day free. In the evening, I treat myself to a good meal before continuing on to Ptuj for an hour and a half on Monday morning.


Action and sore muscles

I start early on Monday. I’m already on the site at 7am. The highlight of the day: karting! At the AMZS karting and motorsport facility, it’s all about speed. But before we hit the track, there’s still a lot to see: A gymnastics group presents acrobatic interludes with basketball and trampoline jumps. I keep a low profile when it comes to basketball – I don’t want to steal their thunder.


In addition to all the entertainment, we present our new products and innovations at several stations – the perfect mix of action and information.

Afterwards, I do several laps on the kart track and, as is only right, I have “redesigned” the track. I drive over two extra fields and reset the barriers. It’s fun, but it’s hard on the whole body. Everything hurts – arms, legs, back, even my stomach takes a few knocks. But the fun is worth it.


Not without a toll sticker

Monday is done. Sightseeing is on the agenda for Tuesday. But before I set off, I have to take care of one more little thing: the new Slovenian toll sticker. I got this at the border crossing from Croatia to Slovenia. It takes almost an hour to get everything registered and attached. But hey, you can’t get far without a toll!

Fortunately, the weather in Ptuj plays along. The sun is shining and I take the opportunity to explore the city center. I’m particularly taken with an old castle. Impressive from the outside. However, I didn’t take a look inside as there is an entrance fee. Instead, I continued on to a lake where several rivers meet. There I enjoy the view in a café and take in the peace and quiet.



Rain, Hungary and a farewell

The journey continues on Wednesday, and unfortunately the rain returns. It’s not expected to get any better in Hungary. Nevertheless, I’m looking forward to my next adventures in Hungary. Slovenia certainly impressed me – from the transport fair to the go-kart track and my hotel. Let’s see what’s waiting for me next.

Until then, and stay on the road,

your Ronny


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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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