Customs, Traffic Jams and the Beauty of Croatia

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Allgemein, On the Road, Topstory | 0 comments

Hello everyone and nice of you to stop by our blog (again). I have another long trip ahead of me – this time to Croatia. The journey is, let’s say, varied: from endless waiting times at the border to relaxed sightseeing moments in Zagreb.


Towards Zagreb with obstacles

It all starts very relaxed: We set off on Friday morning with the aim of arriving in Croatia after around six to six and a half hours. But the sat nav immediately throws a spanner in the works and wants to send me on a diversion. Great, but unfortunately I can’t take it because I have to go through customs.

Around 1 p.m., I join the queue of waiting trucks just before the border crossing – in the first hour, I manage a whopping 400 metres. Sounds like a real power ride, doesn’t it?

My view in the queue in front of customs. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


But it gets worse: instead of ‘only’ 20 hours like last time – just before Serbia – this time I’m standing in front of customs for 25 hours. A dream, right? Well, I’ve made myself comfortable. A bit of sleep in between, then I dust off the truck, drink some coffee and clean the interior. What else can you do when you’ve got plenty of time?

At the border itself, things don’t go very quickly either. There are two entrances for lorries, but only one is open. One person stamps papers while the officials occasionally pick out a few lorries for closer inspection. They also want to have a look in my lorry. The result: lots of empty space. After the check, the journey finally continues. Off through the toll booths and onto the Croatian roads.


Zagreb: roundabouts and lost places

I finally arrive in Zagreb at 5.30 pm. I park the truck there and grab a taxi.

Zagreb itself really impresses me. At the weekend I take a look around, including the old town centre, which is really something for the eye. A huge roundabout built for trams and pedestrians really catches my eye. There are five exits, cars drive above it and everything is well organised – I’ve never seen anything like it before!

The aforementioned roundabout in Zagreb for pedestrians and trains. Photo: Ronny Nittmann


I also pass the Dynamo Zagreb arena. Not only football is played there, but also basketball and handball. On my exploration tour, I also pass tennis clubs, athletics clubs, football and volleyball clubs – all next to each other. And there’s a lot going on everywhere.

Dynamo Zagreb sports arena. Photo: Ronny Nittmann

A real highlight on my exploration tour is the ‘lost place’ – the Zagreb Clinic. This was once supposed to be a huge hospital, but it was never completed because of the war. Now the abandoned site stands there and has a really creepy atmosphere. Not a good place to be at night, as others tell me – there are probably strange creatures walking around. But really exciting during the day.


Croatian hospitality

The event starts on Tuesday at the tyre dealer Gumiimpex-grp Ltd. There are two halls on site – one for cars and one for lorries. Many customers are there to listen to and watch our presentations. And at 10 a.m. the sun actually comes out for a moment, which makes my head a little warm. On the spot, I also take care of the ceiling in the truck, which has come down since we had our problems in Bulgaria, and raise it a little further. Now it’s the same height as it was at the beginning.


Afterwards, we go out to eat with the customers and watch a show by female artists. I would have liked to try my hand at the big artistic ring, but of course it’s stupid without any sportswear …



The road to Split: fantastic views and far too little time

On Wednesday, we continue our journey to Split. The scenery on the journey there is amazing: I first drive over the mountains, from where I have a fantastic view over the city and the sea – a really cool panorama. Unfortunately, I hardly have time to explore the city in Split itself. The event takes up the whole day: a new opening of Tokic, where they sell tyres and car accessories. From 3 p.m. until 11.30 p.m., I’m at the venue the whole time, where there are also lots of people. On Friday, I have to get up at 6am and then continue on to Slovenia.

Croatia is definitely on my list for another visit, maybe even without the truck and all the work equipment. Hopefully then I’ll have a bit more time to admire the luxury yachts in Split harbour! But for now, I’m off to Slovenia.

Until then, and stay on the road,

your Ronny



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Ronny Nittmann

Ronny Nittmann

On the road – Ronny pilots the show truck at the Continental Roadshow


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